Sunday 13 November 2011

...but the arm was broken

The high school I went to used to try and make the last week of school fun for those in year 8 and 9. One of the days was a trip to the pool, a couple were spent at school, but doing fun activities, and another was a class excursion that didn't have to be educational. When I was in year 8, I was looking forward to the excursion. My class was going to go ice skating and tobogganing, which is a big deal when you live in Australia because it's never cold enough for anything to actually freeze over on its own. I'd been ice-skating several times before, but it was still going to be THE BEST AND MOST AWESOME DAY EVER because ice skating is fun, and tobogganing even more so.

On the day of the excursion, we got to school, we went on the bus to the ice-skating centre, and we strapped our hired skates on excitedly when we got there, all ready for a fun session of ice-skating before a fun session of tobogganing. Now, the centre has two skating rinks; a small one for little kids and people who aren't confident at skating, and a big one for those more proficient at it. I was fairly confident with my ability to skate, so I went straight to the big rink.

So there I was, happily skating around confidently, some of my classmates watching over the barrier between the two rinks. Then I saw some speed-skaters whoosh past, so I decided to see how fast I could skate. I got the hang of it quickly, and was whooshing around the rink myself, when out of nowhere, a small child who was definitely NOT confident enough to be on the big rink came wobbling across my path. I tried to stop to avoid colliding with this kid, managed to avoid him, but fell, and landed VERY heavily on my left wrist. I pulled myself up off the ice, noticed that my left hand was dangling uselessly and that my wrist looked a bit bumpier than usual. 

I went off to find my teacher, who promptly freaked out and went to find some staff and to call my parents. A friend came to sit with me for a while, which I was very appreciative of, because he could've easily been off having fun on the ice. Teacher returned with a baggie of ice and informed me that my Mum would be there soon, to pick me up to take me to the hospital.

Cut to the hospital. My arm is checked out, and I'd broken it. I had to stay overnight to have my arm reset and a cast put on. The only colour cast that I could have was fluoro pink (I was a total tomboy at this stage).

I was going to have to spend all of summer with a hideous fluoro pink cast over my arm. I wasn't allowed to go swimming, or to the beach, or pretty much any other vaguely fun thing that a hyperactive 13-year-old would want to do in the summer.

But the worst part was that I didn't get to go tobogganing, and that part of the ice-skating centre closed down while I still had my cast on.

And that I had to shower with a garbage bag over my cast. 

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