Tuesday 10 January 2012

More fancy nails :3

Oh come on, you all grew up watching this too!
Although, one time in Primary School, a teacher asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, and I said Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.....>.>


  1. Did you do those yourself? They're fantastic!! Please tell me your thumb is a slice of pizza or something. That would be super awesome!

  2. Yeah, I did do those myself. They took SO LONG to do, but it was definitely worth it!
    I didn't have any pizza-ish colours, but I did have a glittery green colour, so my thumb is OOZE!

  3. Did you paint your thumb as a rat?

  4. Oh I totally should've! Didn't have any brown though, because honestly, who buys brown nail polish? >.>
