Tuesday, 31 January 2012

My Little Stompy

So, I'm sure you all remember the My Little Pony phase. Or at least one of them, as they were first popular in the 80's, then the 90's, and now they're back again, with a new TV show. But this post isn't about the massive following that My Little Pony has now. Oh, no. This is about Stompy. Kind of. And also My Little Pony.

One of the most favourited deviations on Deviantart last year was a My Little Pony creator. So of course I had to check it out, and make a Stompy!

Unfortunately, this is as short and chubby as I could make him. And I had to go through about a bajillion different manes and tails. But still, he's pretty darn cute, no?

Oh, and if you want to make your own ponies, or your own Stompy, here is the link to the My Little Pony creator.
Actually, I'd be interested to see if any of you make your own Stompy with it. So on the off chance that you do, please show me!