Saturday 7 January 2012


So, technically today marks the end of the first week of 2012, unless you want to argue with me and say that it ends when Sunday finishes, because Sunday is the end of a week, but that would be EIGHT DAYS and we all know that ONE week is SEVEN days. But I digress. the way, I originally tried to post this on Saturday the 7th, but my slow internet had other ideas :c

What I ACTUALLY wanted to say was that like pretty much everybody else out there, I DID make a couple of resolutions for the new year. And here they are, for your amusement:

1. Leave everything as I found it, or tidier. This way, people are slightly more likely to want me to visit them again. Only slightly though, I've still gotta work on that whole 'weird' thing that I've got going for me >.>

2. Spend less money on things that I don't really need. Seriously, I have like, twenty Rubik's Cubes and countless figurines of things that I can't really justify. The replica Zat gun, however, was totally worth it!

3. Draw something every day. There's no real reason behind this one, apart from the fact that I like drawing, and this is a good excuse. This one is actually going quite well so far!

 And because I can't post without a picture, here's a picture of Stompy and myself looking worried about something...


  1. Weird is good!
    I need to jump on the #2 Bandwagon...I've got way too many things I don't need.
    Stompy is so cute and glomp-able!!

  2. Weird is better than boring, trust me.

    Also, blered, because I feel the need to bombard you with my humourous verification words.
