Wednesday 28 March 2012

Guest posts

So, I've been super busy lately, and as such, have a couple of guest posts and blog swaps lined up. However, I haven't yet finished any posts for the blog swappee (it is SO a word!). I'M SORRY KATIE!

But anyway, I felt bad for not posting anything for a while, so here's a picture of one of the best vampires of all time!

Saturday 17 March 2012

One Per Day: February

I call this one "Brett"

I still can't believe I actually thought that >.<

You can see the progression here:
Sun => Sunglasses => Elton John

Some Stompy love <3

Narwhaaaaaaaaaaals :D


Tuesday 6 March 2012

Dream Job #82

I want to be paid to be a 'Spelling Inspector'. It's like a Parking Inspector, except I'd walk around finding signs with incorrect spellings on them instead of illegally parked cars. Then I'd write out a little ticket and leave it with the owner of the sign.

Also, still wanting more moosey pictures! Please? Email or link to them in comments. Come on, people! I wanna see some mooses! And I don't want to hear any excuses, like "oh, I'm no good at drawing". It really doesn't matter, the 'good' part is all relative anyway!

Well, maybe you're all shy. Here, let me start you off with one that I drew last year:

Thursday 1 March 2012

I guess I do requests now?

So, my friend Brett wanted me to do a post about him.

Everybody, say HI BRETT!


And everybody say GOODBYE BRETT!


But no, really. What I wanted to show you guys was this picture of him that I did:

And also this .gif of him that I made that only kind of worked due to mediocre picture quality:

.......It's kind of hypnotic.
Anyway, in a nutshell, that's Brett. He rocks an awesome bass and pulls THE BEST faces. And also, he likes mooses.