Friday, 15 March 2013


I am not a very organised person. I try to be, but forgetfulness often gets in the way. This year, however, I am going to kick that in the ass and attempt to be so much more organised. And I know how I can do it too. It's simple.

I love lists. I love making lists, and I love that satisfying feeling you get when you can tick something off. So even more than I love lists, I love ticks. No, not the itty bitty itchy arachnids. Think Nike.

I've already started this at work (a few months ago, actually. Aw yeah!). I have a notebook that sits on my desk and there's a page in it for every day that I am at work. When I first come in to work, I check my in-tray and my emails, sort them into priority, and write them in a list in my book. Then I start at the top and work my way down the list, ticking things off as they get done. If somebody else asks me to do something while I'm at work, it gets added to the list. If it's a high priority, it gets marked as such. And then when it's done, TICK! YAY! Feels good, man!

So to make the rest of me as productive as Work JM, I'm going to get myself a smaller notebook and carry it around with me in my bag. Every morning, I'll make a list of what I need to do that day, and tick them off when they're done. So I get EVEN MORE TICKS! It's like being rewarded with stickers, but cheaper.

Hooray for psychological validations!

Also, I am going to make a list of bigger things that I need to get done that don't have a set time frame and hang it up at my computer desk, which is where I spend a great chunk of time when I'm not at work. And I'm going to put it here too, so if I don't get things done, you will all know and berate me for being unorganised. And by 'you', I mean me, when I go back and compulsively check previous blog posts for typos that may have slipped past my attention the first thirty times.

Listening to:
Devo - Girl You Want

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